




太阳城网赌平台 established the 本科 太阳城官网 Fellowship Program to enhance the academic experience of undergraduates by cultivating their research skills and fostering mentor relationships between undergraduates and faculty. The Program provides funds to faculty to pay for a student’s research assistance with a faculty member’s research project.

本科 太阳城官网 Opportunities 

公元前:学校/ mca /部门/社会学/奖学金

Your degree audit will automatically accept statistics courses from 经济学 (ECON1151), 生物学 (BIOL2300), or 心理学 (PSYC1120). If you take one of these courses, you must take an additional SOCY elective (any level) to complete the major or minor. We accept other statistics courses on a case-by-case basis. To get approval for these, complete a Degree Audit Course Substitution and Waiver Form.

公元前:学校/ mca /部门/社会学/统计数据

Yes, one credit. Complete the Internship Approval Form.

公元前:学校/ mca /部门/社会学/ internship-credit

Plan to take a research methods class such as SOCY2210 and/or a statistics class such as SOCY2200 before asking for research opportunities – professors may be more receptive if they know you have the necessary preparation. 本系还开设了5000级和7000级的高级方法和统计课程,向有兴趣的本科生开放,他们已经选修了SOCY2210或SOCY2200. 参加这样的课程肯定会增加你参与太阳城官网的机会.

公元前:学校/ mca /部门/社会学/太阳城官网方法
我需要上社会学导论吗, 太阳城官网方法, 社会理论, 和统计数据以任何特定的顺序?

No, any order is acceptable. These four courses must be taken at 太阳城网赌平台 during the academic year; they may not be taken in the evening or summer sessions.

公元前:学校/ mca /部门/社会学/ introduction-to-sociology

Look at the 大学’s webpage covering undergraduate research opportunities.

本科 太阳城官网 Opportunities 

公元前:学校/ mca /部门/社会学/太阳城官网机会

The only person who can give you an override is the instructor of the course. 联系教练. 教练会通过电子邮件给你发他或她的许可, 你需要带着这份许可去McGuinn 426以便注册.

公元前:学校/ mca /部门/社会学/覆盖

If you’re interested in a topic you discussed in a class, the best way to start is to contact that professor and ask if they have a position for you to be an undergraduate research assistant. Even if this particular faculty member doesn’t, the conversation may open up some opportunities for you. You can also locate faculty members with shared interests on the faculty clusters of interest page.


公元前:学校/ mca /部门/社会学/专题
如果我计划在另一所大学选修社会学专业或辅修课程,我该如何获得学分.S. 大学?

First, complete a Course Pre-Approval Form.

Generally, the Department of 社会学 will not approve requests for major or minor courses taken at U.S. schools other than 太阳城网赌平台, so be sure to look into this before you pay tuition at another school! There are two exceptions:

  1. Students who have transferred to 太阳城网赌平台 from another school may transfer 社会学 credits. Complete the Transfer Course Evaluation Form.
  2. Students who have a credit deficiency (i.e., have completed fewer than 15 credits per semester) may, with prior approval, take courses at another school.
公元前:学校/ mca /部门/社会学/长短
公元前:学校/ mca /部门/社会学/留学-

The Department of 社会学 only gives Core credit for BC 社会学 courses that are approved as Core requirements. For more information, see the Core FAQ.

公元前:学校/ mca /部门/社会学/ core-credit