太阳城网赌平台 will mark the 25th anniversary of the formative and wildly popular 凯洛撤退 program on April 10 with a celebration in Gasson 100 at 3:30 p.m. 萨姆·索耶(Sam 索耶)的讲话.J. ’00, M.Div. ’14, 他是不列颠哥伦比亚省有史以来第一次凯洛斯夏令营的学生领袖, 以及与凯洛斯有关的学生和校友的反思.

周年纪念活动, which will coincide with the 230th and 231st Kairos student groups’ return from their weekend retreat, 将在下午2点举行弥撒.m. 在牛顿校区的三一教堂,由神父. 索耶.

校园部赞助, Kairos (Greek for “God’s Time”) is a student-facilitated weekend spiritual retreat that allows for intentional reflection on relationships with God, 自我, 和其他人. 凯洛斯向所有信仰背景和经历的学生开放. 自成立以来,约有10,000名BC学生参加了凯洛斯静修.

BC校友Sam 索耶, S.J.

太阳城网赌平台校友萨姆.J., 他是美国媒体公司的高级编辑和数字战略主管, 1997年担任第一届凯洛修会的学生领袖. (图片由菲方提供. 索耶)

“我今天是一名耶稣会士,这与凯洛斯有很大关系。. 索耶. “That I was able to spend a significant part of my undergraduate career at BC doing ministry and helping other people encounter God through the retreat is a big part of what helped me recognize this was my vocation in a broader sense.”

对很多BC学生来说, 凯洛斯是他们与公元前依纳爵传统的第一次情感接触,校园部长玛丽莎·帕普拉说, 在太阳城官网生助理艾丽·克拉普的支持下监督凯洛斯的人, a M.Div. 神学与事工学院的学生. “对于每一个学生, 不管他们的信仰传统如何, 凯洛斯提供情感共鸣和精神上的可达性. 我们是真正的天主教徒,但也是普世的天主教徒. 每个人都有适合自己的东西.”

太阳城网赌平台为学生提供了丰富的课外活动和项目, 但公元前的关键标志之一是凯洛斯的撤退,凯洛斯学生的联合主任、22岁的戴安娜·哈吉亚内说, 她来自长岛,主修哲学和心理学, NY.

“Kairos is focused around developing space for people to come in with their vulnerabilities and come out knowing they have inherent belovedness and they can bring that into the world in a beautiful and tangible way,她补充道。. “A sense of community is found [at Kairos] and it opens people up to embracing community in other areas of their lives and seeing God or love in new and exciting ways. 它使人们重新看到世界的美丽和他们被赋予的生命.”

另一位学生联合主管, 奎恩·坎宁安,22岁, 他来自阿灵顿高地,主修哲学和金融, 生病了.他说,凯洛斯已经改变了他的看法. “我试着以上帝看待人的方式来看待人. 对我来说, that means recognizing that people are good and giving people grace and patience in everyday life. 当我遇到一个人时,我试着用爱来引导.”

除了坎宁安和哈吉亚恩, 2021-2022年的其他联合导演是康纳·卡德玛托里, 乔Ebbert, 劳伦Moberley, 和玛丽·简·塔格.

Junior Christine Lenahan was familiar with Kairos even before she set foot on the Heights. 她参加了耶稣会高中提供的凯洛斯静修, 斯克兰顿预科, 后来在那里担任凯洛斯的学生领袖. 她知道,作为一名大学生,她想留在凯洛斯社区. 在她大二的时候,她开始在BC领导凯洛斯的务虚会.

“我们都是学生,这一事实将我们联系在一起, 但我们来自不同的背景和经历, and Kairos is a chance to listen to other people and break down that wall we put when we get to college,莱纳汉说, 英语和哲学专业. “你会以一种你从未体会过的方式来理解爱.”

校园部长Marissa Papula

校园部长玛丽莎·帕普拉(Marissa Papula)自2018年秋季以来一直监督凯洛斯项目. (图片由Marissa Papula提供)

她在闭幕式上对与会者说, Papula says she often talks about the metrics that BC students think measure worthiness—GPA, 社交媒体粉丝, or hours in the gym—and how those metrics that are earned or yearned for have nothing to do with a person’s inherent holiness.

凯洛斯是一种邀请,让我们遇见自己的价值,18岁的莎拉·汉斯曼说, who recalled that she came to BC with impossibly high expectations that led to burnout, 焦虑, 和孤独. “对我来说, 凯洛斯从“成功”清单的比较中解脱出来:我们的简历, 成绩单, 或者可以发到instagram上的朋友群. It was rest amidst the chaos and a gentle reminder that my worthiness was not dependent on my success.  

“凯洛斯提供了一个与破碎相遇的机会, 伤害, 为自己和他人感到羞耻,看到我们仍然是被爱的, 不是无视我们的缺点,而是带着它们.”

BC’s Kairos program began in 1996-1997 as a grassroots initiative of the nascent Ignatian Society, 一群毕业于耶稣会高中的BC省学生. They had experienced Kairos during high school and wanted their BC classmates to be enriched by Kairos too. 由Kelly Muldoon Graham ' 99和Chris Boscia ' 98领导.A. 2000年,在大学校长William P. 莱希,年代.J., 和其他公元前耶稣会士, 今年4月,一个由7名本科生组成的团队进行了第一次凯洛斯静修, 1997.

博西亚说:“大学生渴望进行重大对话. “It’s perfect that it takes place at a Jesuit school because that’s what they’re all about—reflection.

“What I like about the format of Kairos is that’s it’s a religious experience and an experience of spiritual growth that’s grounded in the Catholic tradition, but is open and uses language that could help a person of any faith or no faith grow in their faith.”

Boscia补充道:“在它的核心, BC希望在学生中培养精神成长和宗教信仰, 不管是不是天主教徒. 凯洛斯是一个很好的载体.”

“At the heart of Kairos is this: The love of God for you can be known through the love of other people and your love for them,”他说。. 索耶, 毕业后继续和凯洛斯交往的人, 担任静修会主任,然后, 在STM学习期间, 作为耶稣会的同伴.


而凯洛斯并不是BC独有的, 组织者和学生们一致认为,不列颠哥伦比亚省的凯洛斯无疑是非常特别的.

“不列颠哥伦比亚省的凯洛斯拥有社会资本,”帕普拉说. 一年级学生是从R那里听说的.A.s和迎新领导. They sign up right away, knowing there is a wait list and they may not get called until senior year.”

“Kairos is a spiritual and religious retreat where people are going to invest in friendships and small group conversations, 真诚地倾听对方, 一起祈祷,”他说。. 索耶. “The fact that there is a culture on campus where that is something upheld as worthwhile and important, 说明了BC是一个什么样的地方,以及BC和BC学生的价值观.”

太阳城网赌平台 offers exponentially more 凯洛撤退s than any of its Jesuit peer institutions, 据组织者介绍. 通常, 每学年有12个凯洛修会, 每个都有45个静修者, 七名学生领袖, 两位成人导演, 一名学生主管, 和一个耶稣会的同伴. 尽管提供了如此强大的服务, 不列颠哥伦比亚省学生对凯洛斯的兴趣远远超过了可用的名额, 根据Papula, 谁说凯洛斯的候补名单——被称为凯洛斯彩票——超过2人,200名学生.

“你知道不是每个人都能体验凯洛斯, 所以我就在想‘我怎样才能让人们看到我的经历?’”这个项目的学生领袖、护理专业学生E’sachi Smalls说. “对我来说, 它在发短信问候某人, 抱得更紧一点, 和别人眼神交流. 我现在对这一点更有意识了.

“你去静修,体验所有这些爱,看看你如何去爱别人. 让凯洛斯生活在真空中感觉很贪婪.”

大约十年前, 校园部开始提供毕业周凯洛斯(SWK), an abridged one-day Kairos experience for interested seniors who had not gotten the chance to partake in the traditional 凯洛撤退. 大约有150名老年人定期选择参加SWK.

Kairos, like all student programming, was thrown a curveball during the COVID pandemic. 组织者意识到凯洛斯不能在虚拟世界举行, 所以我们对它进行了修改,并在牛顿校区亲自授课.  COVID masking and distancing protocols were in place and the number of participants per retreat had to be reduced, 但这并没有影响体验,也没有改变凯洛斯的基本面, 据组织者介绍. 事实上, 2020 - 21, 学生领袖的申请增加了一倍,凯洛斯提供了比平时更多的静修活动(18个).

The program’s innovation and commitment during the pandemic was recognized by Office of Student Involvement which presented last year’s Kairos co-directors (Maggie Chipman, 马塞洛加伯, 梅根·希利, 扎克·马赫, 山姆Schelble, 和阿曼达·威廉姆斯) 2021年终身卓越奖.

大流行期间共同指导凯洛斯的反思, 21岁的马塞洛·加伯说, “我从来没有为我生命中参与的任何事情感到如此自豪, 以压倒性优势. 有足够多的人聚集在一起,让去年发生的事情成为现实.”

凯洛斯的精神将在周末静修结束后继续存在. Retreatants are given a 耶路撒冷十字 and are urged to “live the fourth”—meaning to live out the promises made on the final day of the retreat. Retreatants are challenged to bring the light of love from the retreat to places on campus and in the world that are in need of enduring hope, 帕普拉说,她要求凯洛斯的参与者“领导富勒”, 更自由的生活,大胆的爱.”

21年的玛吉·奇普曼, a Kairos co-director last year and graduate student in the Lynch School of Education and Human Development, living the fourth “is understanding that people are multi-dimensional and everyone needs connection and everyone is grappling with the same general concepts of what it means to seek and give forgiveness and what it means to act and love when it’s difficult.  我觉得凯洛斯让我变得更有同情心了.

I hope I am living the fourth in my personal life and in professional life by moving forward in a way that provides emotional access and general compassion to others.”

“Kairos program is truly a gift, and one that I feel incredibly lucky to be a part of,莱纳汉说. “I don't like to use the word ‘define’ because nothing could necessarily define the plethora of experiences I've had at BC thus far, 但总的来说,凯洛斯在无数方面影响了我在太阳城网赌平台的经历, 为此我心存感激.”

凯瑟琳·沙利文|大学传播| 2022年3月