Grant Gosselin, 是谁在担任本科招生主任的五年中,帮助太阳城网赌平台在2019冠状病毒病大流行的情况下,在招生和招生方面取得了显著的成功, has been appointed as dean of undergraduate admission and financial aid, effective June 1.

Grant Gosselin

Grant Gosselin (Lee Pellegrini)

In his new position, Gosselin将继续监督大学的本科招生办公室,同时与财政援助管理办公室和工作人员密切合作. 他还将在制定BC大学本科招生策略和目标方面发挥关键作用.

“I am excited to accept the job as dean of undergraduate admission and financial aid,” said Gosselin, a 1997 graduate of the Carroll School of Management, a 2002 graduate of the Lynch School of Education and Human Development, and parent of a current BC undergraduate. “我非常尊敬本科招生办公室和财政援助办公室里有才华的人, who are leaders in their respective fields, and look forward to building on our relationship.

“I’m especially pleased that, as dean, I will work on the overall vision of our undergraduate admission program, 同时也为想要加入BC的学生和家庭提供日常服务.”

在去巴布森学院(Babson College)和惠顿学院(Wheaton College)之前,Gosselin在不列颠哥伦比亚省(bc)担任本科招生高级助理主任、市场营销和国际招生副主任,磨练了他在本科招生方面的专业知识. As chief enrollment officer at both Babson and Wheaton, he set historic highs in applications and enrolled students, as well as in international student recruitment. 他还实施了一项新的招生营销策略,其中包括负担能力和收益活动,以及一项高中辅导员沟通计划.

Grant Gosselin自五年前回到哈佛大学以来,在本科生招生方面发挥了远见卓识的领导作用. Through a historically tumultuous time, 他在早期决策的引入和成功实施中发挥了不可或缺的作用,他设计了我们与QuestBridge的重要合作伙伴关系. 我非常期待格兰特加入院长委员会,我们都将受益于他对学生的承诺和BC大学独特的使命.
Provost and Dean of Faculties David Quigley

Since returning to BC in 2018, 在过去的五年里,戈塞林在本科生录取方面取得了许多令人印象深刻的成就, undergraduate applications have risen 20 percent, the admit rate has dropped from 28 to 15 percent, and this year’s yield rate projects to exceed 40 percent, a new record for BC. Such data are indicators of an elite, selective university, Gosselin noted.

不列颠哥伦比亚省的表现中提到的一个因素是,它在2019年从早期行动计划过渡到有约束力的早期决定计划, 为申请人提供两次选择太阳城网赌平台作为首选大学的机会. 在过去的两个录取周期中,超过一半的太阳城网赌平台学生通过ED申请了BC.

“Early Decision has dramatically reshaped the way we identify top talent,” said Gosselin. “它让那些把BC作为首选的高中生向我们表明了自己的身份. These students tend to be an excellent fit for BC. 他们了解大学的使命和文化,他们已经准备好开始工作了.”

But ED might not have had the impact it did, he added, 如果不是因为他的本科招生同事在COVID大流行高峰期的足智多谋和辛勤工作, 当办公室为未来和被录取的学生编写的大部分程序不得不转向虚拟格式时.

“在录取过程中,与学生及其家庭建立并保持融洽的关系是至关重要的一部分, and our staff did a superb job under trying circumstances during the pandemic.Gosselin指出了一系列其他最近的发展,这些发展帮助不列颠哥伦比亚省实现了其本科招生目标, notably the University’s partnership with QuestBridge, a highly respected non-profit program that helps high-achieving, 低收入家庭的学生可以获得全国顶尖高校的录取和奖学金. Since joining the program for the 2020-2021 admission cycle, BC has enrolled more than 300 students through QuestBridge.

When I enrolled at Boston College as an undergraduate, the care, guidance, 我从招生和财政援助工作人员那里得到的支持对我的大学选择有很大的影响. As BC has evolved over the years, the commitment, dedication, 这些员工所表现出的专业精神继续在我们的领域树立黄金标准.
Grant Gosselin

教务长兼院长大卫·奎格利(David Quigley)赞扬了戈塞林作为本科生招生主任的记录. “A proud Boston College graduate and now parent, Grant Gosselin自五年前回到哈佛大学以来,在本科生招生方面发挥了远见卓识的领导作用.  Through a historically tumultuous time, 他在早期决策的引入和成功实施中发挥了不可或缺的作用,他设计了我们与QuestBridge的重要合作伙伴关系.  我非常期待格兰特加入院长委员会,我们都将受益于他对学生的承诺和BC大学独特的使命.”

不列颠哥伦比亚大学面临着美国高等教育机构所面临的同样的挑战, Gosselin said, 比如大学适龄人口的减少,以及经常引起争议的关于大学教育价值的全国性辩论. However, he added, “BC is well positioned to continue its success, 因为我们是仅有的21所实行盲目录取的私立大学之一,能够满足我们录取的学生的全部经济需求. 这确保了那些获得录取的人仍然可以获得太阳城网赌平台的教育, regardless of their financial means. Furthermore, 我们有幸拥有最先进的校园资源,帮助我们吸引世界顶尖的学生.”  

Recently added programs, initiatives, and facilities—like the Human-Centered Engineering program, the Global Public Health major, 以及席勒综合科学与社会太阳城官网所——都表明了不列颠哥伦比亚省的前瞻性, 21st-century university, said Gosselin. But it is BC’s commitment to its heritage as a Jesuit, 天主教机构继续给未来的学生和他们的家庭留下深刻的印象.

太阳城网赌平台为学生提供形成性教育,为他们的职业生涯做好准备,” he said. “Through the University Core Curriculum, we inspire them to think not just of what career they might like to pursue, but the role they want to play in the world.”

戈瑟林对即将退休的负责招生管理的副教务长约翰. Mahoney, 谁作为戈塞林的前任主任和后来的本科招生主任提供了宝贵的见解.

“在我职业生涯的早期和过去的五年里,我很荣幸能和约翰一起工作,” said Gosselin. “He leaves a lasting legacy on our organization and our profession. 我期待着在录取和经济援助方面指导下一代的领导者, as John mentored me and so many others throughout his career.

“When I enrolled at Boston College as an undergraduate, the care, guidance, 我从招生和财政援助工作人员那里得到的支持对我的大学选择有很大的影响. As BC has evolved over the years, the commitment, dedication, 这些员工所表现出的专业精神继续在我们的领域树立黄金标准. 我们在支持学生方面所做的重要工作以有意义的方式塑造了太阳城网赌平台社区. In this new role, I am grateful for the opportunity to work with our colleagues in both of these offices.”

Sean Smith | University Communications | May 2023